Emily Mackevicius is a co-founder and director of Basis Research Institute,
where she leads the Collaborative Intelligent Systems group.
She did her postdoctoral work studying memory-expert birds in the Aronov lab
and the Center for Theoretical Neuroscience
at Columbia,
and her PhD work studying how birds learn to sing in the Fee lab at MIT.
She is interested in how intelligent behaviors emerge, especially in distributed and recurrent systems.
Her theoretical work is strongly grounded in experimental practice,
currently high-resolution behavioral recordings of groups of animals foraging in environments ranging from
NYC parks and subways to Arctic Alaska.
Computational neuroscience is a fascinating and expanding
subject. Over the past few years, I've been involved in teaching several computational neuroscience
courses, including designing new curricula. Links to relevant materials (and websites for a couple of my
other favorite courses) are below:
How to make
(almost) anything (taught by Neil Gershenfeld) provides detailed practical
advice on making (almost) anything. It's also fun to look through what people
made each week. Here's my page documenting
each of my weekly projects.
Etsy pottery page (inactive, but let me know if you're interested in my pottery)