
At one of the Hyde Park Salons, I saw Jonathan Marks' presentation on anamorphic art. He had morphed images so that they only looked correct when reflected in a mirrored cylinder. He morphed his images by hand. I was interested in trying out some morphed images, but didn't have the patience or artistic skill to do it by hand, so I made a python script to do it for me. I'm posting it in case anyone else wants to try it out.

Set a cylinder radius (replace 'Set radius in inches' with a number, e.g. 2) pick an image, and the transform should automatically appear (you may need to scroll down). Right-click on the image for the option to save it. Refresh the page to reset it. My friend Zenna helped me make this javascript app, and here's my original python script Let me know if you need help, or have suggestions (e l m at m i t dot e d u)